
M.I.C.K.E.Y Birthday Party!

Tate taking his first trip down the slip-n-slide.  We had a great day to enjoy Tate's party and all the fun water activities. 

Tate enjoying one of his favorite things.  He could swing for hours.

Having a blast splashing in the water.

Tate managed to sucker Grandpa Bane into pushing him on the swing too.  Like I said, it is one of his favorite things.

I absolutely love this picture.  It is 100% Tate.  We are singing Happy Birthday to him and he is more concerned about eating the sugar cookie he had in his hand. Priceless.

Tate's Mickey Ears Birthday Cake.

Tate rockin' out with his new Mickey Guitar.  Seems to be a new favorite toy, thanks to Lexi and Quinn.

Fun with all his friends at the Bane Water park!

Happy 2nd Birthday to our not so little man Tate! 
Where does the time go?

1 comment:

  1. We all had so much fun! Thanks for having us. Happy 2nd birthday Tate!
