
Devin's Big 1st Day

Well the day finally came, Devin's first day of Pre-K at St James.  He has been talking about this day for months. He was so excited and eager to get to school this morning.

We surprised Devin with a new backpack for the first day of school.

Great picture of the boys before heading out for the morning.  We loaded up and took Tate to Ms. Laura's House.  It was the first day that Tate would be there by himself.  All of Devin's friends came to the door to wish him good luck at school.  If there was any moment to get a little emotional that would have been the time, but Devin's excitement kept me from getting emotional.

So we left Laura's house and headed towards St James.  I pulled up and walked him into the school gym.  Everyone was very welcoming to Devin being a new preschooler.  I gave him a few reminder instructions, a quick hug and he was off.  It felt a little strange to be leaving him at school, but he was so ready.

After questioning Devin about school he had a great day.  Surprisingly he didn't have a whole lot to say about his day.  20 questions later we learned that he learned 2 songs he couldn't remember, played with play-doh, had 2 snacks, played outside, had PB & J for lunch, and watched the Lorax during "nap time". 

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe he's I preschool! One helpful hint that was given to me when Evan started school was to ask a specific question about his day ( did anything funny happen today, did you answer a question correctly etc.) instead of how was your day or did you have a good day. Love his backpack!
