
Farm Livin' is the Life of Me

So we left the big city of Chicago and headed towards Moline, IL.  That is the home and world headquarters of John Deere Tractor.  They are celebrating their 175th year.  It's not like my kids haven't ever seen a tractor before, but this is THE home of John Deere and Tate has quite the obsession lately.

Devin in front of the John Deere Pavilion.

Because it was their anniversary year they were having a special celebration for the kids.  We started by planting some seeds, watering them, and then harvesting our produce.  The next activity was fishing.  Both of the boys snagged some big fish.  Then we moved on to cow milking.  Then we stopped by the orchard to pick some apples.  At the very end we sorted all of our produce out to deliver to markets in the area.  After completing the activities the kids received John Deere bags.  Nice little surprise.

Waiting in line to drive on the Gator obstacle course.  Perfect opportunity to pose with the "deere".


Devin mastering the course.

Tate's such a big boy.  Driving his older brother around.

Inside the pavilion there are all sorts of John Deere equipment you can play on, drive, and push every button, lever,switch, etc. 

Here the boys are checking out the cab of a great big bull dozer.

I love the concentration on his face.  He really thinks he's driving this thing.

I said it was big!

That bucket would make anybody look small!

Tate driving Dad around on the new and improved Gator.  This thing is pretty "beefy".

Devin is sitting on the golf course mower. 

Waiting for a peek inside the combine. 

After checking out all of the tractors and such in the pavilion, we headed to their John Deere Store.  Tate had to wear his new hat out.  He couldn't even wait.  He was very proud of his new toys and wouldn't let the bag out of his sight.

Maybe this is my future shopping partner.

Captured a perfect moment.  Love his expression. 
The shirt really says it all. 

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