
Last Day of School - Field Day

Devin on his first and last day of school.  
His first day of 2nd grade is on the left and last day on the right.
It is amazing to see all the changes that occur in 180 days time. 

Tate on his first and last day of Preschool.
His first day in on the left and last day on the right.
He loved every moment of Preschool and can't wait to start Kindergarten in the Fall.  
He has learned so much this year.  We can't belived how he has grown and matured.

Love these two little guys to pieces.

Can you believe all the love they have for each other?  It's easy to forget the friendship and love they share.  In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, the nit picking, pestering, and tattle tailing can be overwhelming, and we can quickly forget how blessed we are with such good boys.  

After the mandatory pictures, we were headed to school for field day.  It wasn't the typical day in May - today it was cold and rainy. 

I was able to volunteer for field day.  I helped out at the water balloon toss station.  It was so cool outside, and the water from the balloons was even colder.  None of the kids minded one bit.  

This is Devin's class participating in the balloon toss.

Tate came along as my little helper.  By the end of the day, he was directing all the big kids on the rules of the water balloon toss.  Tate is definitely NOT shy.

Field day selfie!

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