
Easter Celebrations - Egg Hunts, Family, Food, and Kite Flying

Family picture before Easter Vigil Mass on Saturday night.  Had to take advantage of our blooming Bradford Pear tree. 

Happy Easter Morning!  The Easter Bunny stopped by our house and filled our baskets full of goodies. 

Devin found a new book, water bottle, and resistance band in his basket.  Of course, there was a little candy, but just a little.  Devin was happy to see some chocolate in his basket.  He not only gave up pancakes for Lent, but also candy.

Tate was also excited to find a resistance band in his Easter basket.  Both boys have been excising with me every evening.  They had been wishing for some weights or resistance bands for months.  Tate was also glad to find some candy in his basket.  Tate gave up popcorn & candy for Lent. 

Out searching for all of his Easter Eggs.  The Easter bunny left a note stating that Tate's eggs were green and orange.  They each had 20 eggs to find.

Running to find the next egg.  Such excitement!

Devin was hunting for blue and yellow Easter eggs.  His were a little harder to find.  He really had to hunt for his more this year. 

Excited to hunting eggs!

Checking out all of his treasures in each egg.

We decided to get a few family pictures. 
Papaw, Mamaw
Grandpa Bane, Devin, Tate , and Grandma Bane

Stacey, Greg, Sandy, Barry, Leesa, Den
Grandpa Bane, Tate, Grandma Bane, Devin

Before eating lunch, Devin had pulled out our kites.  They had trouble before lunch getting them to fly.  Once we were done with dinner, we headed out to see if we might have better luck.  Without to much effort we were able to get them to fly.  Uncle Eric and Xavier flew kites together. 

The wind was gusty at times and would really pull you at times. 

Brotherly love!  I think we all enjoyed being outside on such a wonderful Spring Day. 

Grandpa Wolsing helping to teach Devin how to fly one of the kites. 

We were able to get both kites up and flying at the same time.  We didn't have too many crashes.

Tate's turn to fly the kite with Grandpa.  He was really starting to get the hang of things.  The wind at times, would just about pull him over. 

Tate & Grandpa flying kites.

Cousins - Tate, Devin, & Xavier

Grandma & Grandpa Wolsing with all their Grandboys!

Family Picture

Look closely - When did I get a son old enough to find bunny ears funny.  Devin's face is priceless.  he really thought he was getting away with something, but the camera caught him.

Luckily we got a nice family picture without bunny ears.

We were using my new camera with WiFi.  You can actually control the camera with an app on your phone.  Devin was begging to take some pictures.  I turned my phone over to him and this moment happened.  We hear Devin say- "put your hands in the air, like you just do not care".  Mom and I did just that and caught a pretty funny moment. 

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