
Wiggly Tooth to Tooth Fairy in 3 Days

Well that didn't take long. 
I received a text this morning that Devin had lost his 1st tooth.  It happened very nonchalantly.  Ms. Laura, our daycare provider, said he just walked in carrying his tooth.  I questioned him when I got home from work as to how it happened.  He said he just felt something funny in his mouth and found his tooth.  Then he told me he took it right to Ms Laura and that she put it into a little baggie.

It literally just fell out.
I can't believe it happen it happened so quickly!

Tooth yesterday, hole today.

So needless to say, I was NOT prepared for this tooth to fall out so quickly.  I had plans to make Devin a special tooth fairy pillow.  I called my Mom and she quickly came to the rescue.  She made this pillow with some fabric scraps she had. 

She even added her personal touches by embroidering his name on the back little pillow.

This was also the evening that we dropped of the kids for them to spend the week with Grandma & Grandpa Wolsing.  She surprised Devin with his little pillow at dinner. He was so excited.  He couldn't wait for the tooth fairy to bring him a quarter.

I am a tad bit sad that I will miss the tooth fairy visiting this evening.  Can't wait to hear from Devin in the morning about his tooth fairy experience.

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