
Our Chicago Vacation - Day 1 Navy Pier

After somewhat of a long drive, we arrived in downtown Chicago.  The kids traveled very well.  They watched some movies and looked at all the sites along the way.  Devin and Tate really liked seeing the gigantic wind mills in northern Indiana.

After checking into our hotel, we quickly unpacked and loaded up into the stroller to head down to navy pier.

Trying out the new stroller for the first time.  Devin and Tate were probably the only 2 kids in Chicago wearing St Louis Cardinal's hats.  Needless to say we got a lot of comments. 
Good thing they are cute!

We ate some quick dinner on Navy Pier then headed toward the Ferris Wheel!

Quick picture with Mom while we waited in line to ride the Ferris wheel. 

Greg was such a good sport.  As most people know he is not a fan of heights.  I snapped this picture before we got off the ground.  Notice Greg is still smiling.

Mommy & Tate riding on the Ferris Wheel.

We rode the Ferris wheel at the perfect time.  Just right at dusk so the Chicago skyline was beautiful.

Here is the Hancock Tower on our ride around the Ferris wheel.

My favorite shot of the Ferris wheel!

The boys wanted to ride the carousel next.  Devin picked the Frog.

Tate picked the fastest race horse.

I love this picture of Tate!  He was having so much fun!

Our last ride of the evening HAD to be the train.  I don't think a trip/vacation would be complete for our family if we didn't ride some type of train.  Guess we were just keeping with the tradition.

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