
Aquarium & Shopping - Day 2

We began the day walking to Navy Pier to catch the water taxi to the museum campus.

Another great view of the Chicago Skyline from the water taxi out on Lake Michigan.

We made it to our final destination - Shedd Aquarium.

Brightly colored frogs caught our eye at first. 

Next we visited the Coral Reef section.  It was an amazing exhibit. 

Look we found "Nemo" - that made the kids happy!

Sea snakes - Interesting.

2 cool dudes. Caught a 4D movie at the aquarium.  Devin picked the movie to watch and he went with the 4D Dora the Explorer Movie.  The movie was complete with splashing waves, bubbles, jungle smells, and a whole lot of fun!

Next we found the penguin exhibit.

Then it was on to the Jelly fish exhibit.  Here are the Lion Jelly fish, named for their "beards"

The jellies were just so mesmerizing.  You could have watched their movement for hours.

More Jellies

Tate enjoying a quick snack and drink on our water taxi back to Navy Pier.

Devin enjoying the water taxi.  Our ride was fairly rough.  Huge waves on Lake Michigan after an early morning storm.

Next lunch at Bubba Gump's.  Run Forrest Run!

Then off to do some shopping along Michigan Ave.  Our first stop was the Lego Store for Devin.  Their store front is the Chicago skyline completely made out of Legos.  Really impressive in person, the picture doesn't do it much justice.

Made a stop by the Disney store for Tate.  He picked the large Mickey Mouse.  Here the boys were both loving on Mickey. 

Here are the Lego Men Devin built while we were at the Lego Store. He built a farmer with a wrench, and astronaut with a sword, and I am not really sure how to classify the guy on the right, but he had to have a sword.

Devin getting some play time in with his Lego Men.   

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