
Kids Really do say the Darnedest Things

So I have a really funny story to tell on Devin and here it goes....

Devin attended Good Friday church service with me while Dad and Tate stayed home.  While at church I was explaining to Devin what happens on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.  I explained that on Good Friday Jesus dies and when we come to church on Easter he will go to Heaven.  This has some time to sink in to Devin's head.  

On our way home, Devin gets really sad and said that he needed to tell Daddy some news.  We get into the house and Devin starts to tell Greg that Jesus died tonight.  All while acting very sad about the whole thing.  With a little prompting I ask Devin to tell Dad what happens to Jesus on Easter.  

Very quickly and without thought Devin says - " Daddy on Easter Jesus is going to Kevin's"
(Kevin's - Heaven, I can see how that could be a little confusing)

We have laughed about this all weekend.  So if you are wondering where Jesus went this Easter he is out visiting Kevin.  

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