
Happy Easter Day

Well, the boys were lucky enough for the Easter Bunny to make a stop at their house.  The Easter baskets were filled to the brim this morning.  The bunny left the boys some books, new cups, some games, and of course candy.  After quickly digging into the baskets, we got ready and headed to church.

After church we headed for Mamaw's and Papaw's.  We were quick to get some pictures before we ate dinner and enjoyed the Easter festivities.

Let the egg hunt begin!  This is Tate's first Easter to partake in the Easter Egg Hunt.  He was a little slow at the beginning, but quickly figured out what it was all about.

Devin in the egg hunting action.

I LOVE this picture.  Caught Lexi helping Tate find an egg, and Devin in the background finding one of his own.  What a great moment.

Aunt Brooke helping Tate hunt for eggs.

All in all it was a beautiful day filled with Christ, Family, and Friends.  After all the Easter festivities we spent the afternoon outside playing in the yard.  We enjoying playing every type of ball sport that is possible - baseball, basketball, soccer.

As Devin kept saying - "Happy Easter Day"!

1 comment:

  1. awww, happy easter day! i love all of your pictures and the color of spring in all the clothing! the pix of lexi helping tate is priceless :) thanks for sharing, stacey!
