
What Season Is It?

So what is better than spending some time outside playing at the farm?  Maybe Spring weather that feels much more like summer!  Hard to pass up an 80' day outside burning off some energy.  

We spent most of Sunday afternoon enjoying the beautiful day.  We headed to farm and dug out lots of toys.  All Devin was concerned with was having 4-wheeler "races".  We raced around the yard and farm and won every race.  It sure is great to have a vivid imagination!

Hard to believe that Tate can already reach the gas pedal.  Devin couldn't reach the gas pedal on the gator until he was 2 1/2 or 3.  Now all Tate needs is a driving lesson or two.

Tate even had the chance to go for a ride around the yard.

Somehow we all managed to squeeze on the 4-wheeler.  Poor Tate looks a little squished.  
Tate show us his driving ability.  Currently its not the best.  The only thing he knows to do is to put the pedal to the metal - typical male.

1 comment:

  1. i have just loved this weather too!!!! i also loved your post...i cannot believe how grown up the boys are! thanks for giving us a glimps into your day :)
