
4th of July - Backyard Fireworks

Devin loves fireworks and we decided that he would be old enough this year to do a few small fireworks on his own. We started with the sparklers, which turned out to be a ton of fun. Greg splurged on the giant sparklers!
Pretty cool picture. I promise Devin wasn't hurt in the taking of this picture. It looks like his face is about to be burned or his eyes hurt from staring at the bright light, but I promise he was not harmed.

One of the sparkler type fireworks we lit for the 4th of July. I have a feeling Devin is going to love the 4th as much as Greg does. The 4th is one of Greg's favorite holidays.

Yes, your eyes are working properly....Devin does have a jacket on in the middle of the summer. Yes he takes after his Mom and this one. Last sparkler before heading off to bed.

Happy 4th of July!!

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