
Our Vacation Highlights

We recently got back from our vacation to South. We started our trip with a stop in Chattanooga to ride the incline railroad. It was a fun little adventure to help break up the drive. Our destination was Fripp Island. We spent the week in and around the area. We spent lots of time at the beach building sandcastles, swimming, and just have a great time.

We did take a couple of side trips. The first was to Seabrook Island just south of Charleston. We stopped to visit some family and enjoy that island. Our second side trip was to Savannah, GA. We took Devin to their railroad museum that has a working round house. We got the chance to ride a steam train on the round house and around the train yard. After the train museum, we ate lunch at The Pirate House. Really fun place to eat with kids. It is completely pirate themed.

The rest of the time we just enjoyed relaxing on Fripp Island.

Devin & Tate at the beach. This was a big trip for Tate. It was his first vacation, first time at the beach, and first time to the ocean. I didn't know how he would like the beach, because he isn't walking yet, but he loved every minute of the beach, sand, and ocean.

Family picture at the beach before heading home.

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