
Academic Excellence Awards

Devin was honored with Academic Excellence.  He qualified by obtaining a 94% average in all of his classes for the first 3 semesters of the school year. 

Waiting for his name to be called.

Mrs Johnson, the principal at St James, presented Devin with his award.

Devin after the awards program.  He was is very proud of his medal.  He has really worked hard this school year to earn his grades.  We are all very proud of him!

Grandma Wolsing drove over to attend the awards program.  Devin was excited when she showed up.  We were all so proud of Devin's behavior during the awards program.  He sat very still and politely watch all of the other kids receive their awards. 

Mamaw & Papaw were also there to support Devin.  We were all so very proud of his hard work.
A family picture to reminder Devin's special night.  We are so very proud of all Devin's hard work throughout the school year.  It hasn't always been easy and they expect a lot out of each student, but he rose to the challenge.

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