
Happy Harvest

Tate watching Papaw Barry combine soybeans.

We rode the gator to the field where Daddy and Papaw were hard at work. Devin thought he needed to practice his gator driving.

Now it's Tate's turn to drive the gator.

Here comes the combine! What a gorgeous afternoon to get out and enjoy the fall weather. Perfectly blue sky and a chill in the air - that's why we love fall.

Devin taking in everything in. He was watching the soybeans empty out of the combine into the semi-truck. What boy doesn't like tractors & trucks? They were both having a blast.

Tate's 1st ever combine ride. All things considered he seemed to like it!

Tate studying the combine as it went bye. What facial expressions, huh!

Moving on to bigger and better things, the semi truck. It is just a lot of fun because it has a great big air horn that Devin likes to blow!

Thanks to Devin, Mommy got in one of the pictures. Pretty decent picture given the circumstances.

Devin found some corn he thought he might like to eat.

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