
Hallowweekends @ Lake Rudolph

Enjoying all the campground amenities at Lake Rudolph.

Tate is officially walking and not a moment too soon. Our backs were starting to get soar from packing him around everywhere. If you haven't seen him in awhile, he is quite the big guy.

Our Halloween costumes for trick or treating around the campground.

Tate got to trick or treat in style - cruisin' around from campsite to campsite on the golf cart.

Filling up the treat bag.

Devin was also able to help hand out treats to the other Trick or Treaters. I think he had more fun handing out candy than collecting it.

Tate posing for the crowds.

Devin entered the costume contest that evening at the campground. We won for his age group and was sooo excited. He won the cutest shirt.

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