
Ho Ho Ho - It's Christmas Day

Devin left a treat for Santa. It was a little non-traditional, but Santa seemed to like it. We left out several cookies that Devin and I made and per Devin's request "Donald" juice. For those of you without kids, that would be orange juice with a great big picture of Donald Duck.

Tate sitting in the bumbo seat taking in all of his christmas presents.

Devin opening the present he had been asking Santa to bring for weeks. It is a dinosaur train from the PBS show. Christmas could have ended with that present. He was so excited that we didn't even care about his other presents from Santa.

Opening presents at Grandma and Grandpa Wolsing's House. We enjoyed our time at their house and Devin was really excited to see Grandpa's new train set he is building. That will sure be a lot of fun for years to come.

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