
Pool Party - Tate's 6th Birthday

Tate picked a Finding Dory themed birthday party.  These cupcakes from The Pacetre where amazing.  They turned out better than I could have expected.  

I can't pick a favorite!

We rented the Princeton Pool for Tate's 6th Birthday Party.  The new pool is so much fun and there is plenty to do for all ages. 

We took a quick family picture before the party started. 

Leyton, Easton, and Tate
Tate was so excited to have his friends come out to celebrate his birthday.  He has been counting down the days for a couple of weeks.  We couldn't have asked for better weather.  

Tate working his way across the Lilly pads.  Definitely a favorite for all the boys.

I pretty sure they all think they are future Ninja Warriors. 

Devin and Lexi taking their turn across the Lilly pads. 

Greg cooling off in the pool.  The water was perfect!

Look at all those cupcakes!

Tate's birthday cupcake.

Waiting to blow out his candles. Cheesing while everyone sang Happy Birthday.

It just doesn't seem possible that he is turning 6.Where has all the time gone?  Where is my baby faced Tate?  He's growing up so quickly and he can't wait to start Kindergarten.

Making a wish and blowing out his candles. 

It took him a couple of tries, but he finally got them all blown out. 

Tate and all his friends enjoying some cupcakes and goldfish. 

Enjoying his huge cupcake!  

Opening presents - He loved this Lego set from Uncle Brad's girlfriend, Heather.  He got all kinds of cool presents from his friends.  He even got some money he can take on vacation.  We was excited about that!

One last photo with friends.

Happy 6th Birthday Tate!  We can't wait to see what this year brings.  

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