
Color Blaze 5k

I had decided several months ago that I thought it would be fun to run in the Color Blaze 5k.  Thought it would be a lot of fun for Devin and I to do this together.  This is Devin's "before" picture.  
Devin & Mommy before we started the run and got super colorful.

We got pelted with color before we even started the run.  

Waiting to start the run.

Devin and Mommy at the finish line.  I am so proud of Devin.  This was his first 5k.  I would say that he ran well over half of the race and it was super hot.  Well in the 90s and super humid.  The main thing is that we finished and had a blast doing it.

Look at all those colors!

Finished the race and off to the Sommerfest parade in Haubstadt.  Needless to say we had a jam packed Saturday of activities.  

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