
Welcome to the Bahamas

Good morning Nassau!  Beautiful blue skies and water welcomed us.

View from our stateroom, once the ship was docked.  The boat pulled in, did a 180' and then backed into our "parking" spot.

We decided to take advantage of the pools and boat before getting off to visit Nassau.  This was the best picture I took of the Mickey face Pool.  After swimming and riding the slides again, we decided to clean up and head into town.

They boys were surprised with new pirate shirts.  Devin has Jake-Mickey Ears and Tate has Cubby-Mickey Ears.  Both are characters from Jake and the Neverland Pirates cartoon.  Thought it was fitting to wear pirate shirts today, because this evening is the big pirate party.

The Disney Dream parked in the dock at Nassau.

Headed into town to do some shopping and to check out the straw market.

Love the back end of the boat, they might actually call it the stern.

After spending the morning in town, we headed back to the boat to eat some lunch and relax.  The
kids took the relaxing part literally.

Tate was playing to be asleep, even fake snoring.

Getting ready for another surprise - a meet and greet with one of their favorite characters.


Family Picture with Goof!

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