
Final Evening on Mickey Cruise Boat

Devin signing the guest book!

The boys with our host, Tracy.  She was so awesome and gave the boys popcorn each evening before the shows.  

Devin picked our seats this evening, right down front.  

Tate enjoying his bag of popcorn!

The cast of the shows.  It was another great show put on by their entertainment team.  They did an excellent job! 

A dinosaur towel animal for our last night of the cruise!

Thought it would be a great idea to get a picture at sun set.  We headed toward the bow of the ship.  The sunset was amazing, the only problem that evening was the really strong winds.  I somehow managed to keep my dress from blowing up and got a great picture all things considering.

Patiently waiting for dinner.

Our last nights dinner was at the Animators Palette. The entire dining room came to life as an aquarium with all of our friends from Nemo.

The lighting all goes blue as the fun begins.

Paint palette on the ceiling.

Love the amazement in his eyes.  They were so surprised!

Love the wonder.
Once the screen behind our table came to life, they couldn't take their eyes off of it!  

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