

Children's Museum of Evansville
Tate, Xavier & Devin being weighed in the big bucket. Check out their weights at the top, it is pretty amusing.
Tate: 1year 1 month - 28lbs
Xavier: 2 years 3 months - 34lbs
Devin: 3 years 11 months - 35 lbs

Does anyone else see the problem with this?

Xavier & Devin building roads and running trucks.

Tate driving the truck. Fun for hours!

Playing in the sand, well actually rice. Still fun to play though.

Construction worker Devin.

Devin & Xavier rolling the train car around on the track. They were collecting balls and playing in the Water Duck at the museum. By far the coolest exhibit.

Tate enjoying getting around by himself. He is so close to walking, just won't let go and balance on his own. You give a wall though and he can get anywhere.

Mom's little booger.
I mean he really is the booger in the giant nose.

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