
Tate's Big Day, brought to you by the #1

Hard to believe 1 year ago Greg and I were headed to the hospital in the middle of the night to have our second child. We are still trying to figure out where all the time has gone. Tate's first year has flown by, and we have been so blessed.

Yum birthday dinner! Mom made my favorite - hot dogs and macaroni and cheese. I lost count of how much Tate ate. I do know that he ate 2 hot dogs and several servings of mac N cheese. Tate is definitely our good eater. He will eat anything you put in front of him, which is polar opposite of Devin.
Getting ready to blow out his candle and eat his birthday cake.

"Enjoying" his birthday cake. He ended up eating the entire little cake that I had made for him. Surprisingly the red clean up off of him better than you would have thought. I has afraid he might be slightly pink for a few days, but it all washed off.

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