
Check Ups

Devin and Tate both had check ups at Dr Cochran's office on Thursday. We were getting a little inpatient waiting so I whipped out my camera and took a few shots. Devin wouldn't let me take his picture without his favorite race car so this is what we ended up with.

Devin weighed 30 lbs shoes and all and is doing great, besides the wart on his toe. Going to start treating so it should be better soon.

Tate is following in his brothers footsteps almost completely. He has been refluxing and having a few issues with pooping. Dr Cochran wants to be proactive so that things don't get so bad. We are trying Tate on a new formula, stopping rice cereal and switching to oatmeal or barley. We have also started some baby food mainly pears and peaches. Again trying to keep things moving. Tate couldn't be any happier, he weighed 16.6. He also got another round of shots and he did amazing. We will be headed back for a re-check in 3 weeks.

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