
Tate turns 5....

....5 months that is.

Has to been the cutest little smile. This has been a big month for Tate. He has learned to roll over, and over, and over. It is almost becoming a mode of transportation. He can definitely get around a little. He is so much fun. Always happy, unless he is hungry. Great sleeper. Quickly becoming best buddies with his big bother. Devin has really taken an interest to him lately. Guess now that he is doing a few things he is a little more fun for Devin. I can't wait to watch that relationship grow, and can only hope that they will continue to be best of friends for years.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    Do you think you could email this photo, the ones of the kids holding him when you got home from the hospital and the Christmas photos of all of them to me. bking128@yahoo.com

    Thanks Brooke
