
Bane Family Fall Picnic

So we took a little road trip this past weekend. Our first stop was to Edinburgh to do some outlet mall shopping. Seems he has out grown all of his pants or is just prepared for an upcoming flood. Got some great deals and should be set for the winter season. From Edinburgh we headed to Richmond, Indiana and enjoyed a great cookout with all of the Bane extended family.

Here you can see Devin and Greg playing trains and cars at the cookout. Since Devin's birthday was the following day everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to him. He was such a big ham and quickly decided that everyone had gathered just for his birthday.

We stayed in a hotel in Richmond Saturday evening. These are a few pictures of us hanging out there. Daddy and Devin chillin' in bed. Mommy even got her picture taken for once in a blue moon. Seems that Devin has taken an interest in photography. He actually took that picture of me all by himself - pretty impressive since it is a digital SLR camera and not just a point and shoot!

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